Poor little Mila Bug has a cold. its always an adventure in parenting when your child is sick. More so, if YOU are sick yourself. No one is there to make you chicken noodle soup, or wipe your nose, sing you songs as you fall asleep. But, oh the joy it is to finally be the one who has the healing touch, the kiss that makes everything better! I do enjoy being a mommy!
What I appreciate more than anything, is my sweet husband, who shares in the midnight feedings, the ALARMING wake up calls of our toddler and baby, who desperately need a drink of water, or a boogy suck, or just a warm cuddle to let them know they are safe and loved. Davin, is an amazing father, and It's an honor to be UP ALL NIGHT with these tiny miracles that WE made!
As Davin and I took turns waking up with the our sick baby all night...I Remembered the days of complete exhaustion after a long night playing cards with friends, or having a sleep over watching movies with the girls, eating wayyyy too much junk food, talking for hours and then deciding to watch the sunrise together!
Those days are over, but the exhaustion is a raw reality today, reminding me of my very important job as mommy!
Since having kids, I've traded the card playing, for bottle making, the sleep overs with friends are easily traded for sweet cuddles with my gorgeous hubby, the movie watching has turned into a quick episode (or two, if we are really feeling spunky) of House Hunters or American Pickers!! and the junk food and watching the sunrise...well, let's just say those have turned into secret cookie binging sessions during midnight feedings with Mila and now I get to appreciate the sunrise with my darling daughters! :)
It's Sunday morning...Davin works part time at the church, so its another day of getting myself and the kiddos dressed and out the door and to church on time! what a challenge!
All chaos breaks loose...Mila is bawling..Avery is getting her head or fingers or some body part stuck somewhere and is screaming for help! I dust one cheek with some rouge before attending to the babes....once we are all in the car, I take a deep breath, and drive to that sweet refuge of worship!
No matter what your Sunday looks like, and I know for a lot of mom's, Sunday's are CRAZY..and we often are quick to feel guilty about the true deep down overwhelming feeling that we've completely lost it and that we should be a better mom or wife. The true reality of it all is, THIS IS HARD!
I am so grateful and thankful for that sweet place of refuge, for a church family to greet me at those doors and welcome me in. HELLO! I'm that crazy lady with disheveled hair, one cheek powdered, and 2 kids hanging off me like monkey's!
My church family is a safe place for me to be myself, and that's what it should be. I pray that each and everyone of you finds a church that you can call home. Church friends, that you can call family! There is nothing more encouraging to a mommy then another mom friend who loves Jesus and can keep your eyes focused on His truth and love!
Happy Sunday everyone..and to those mom's and dad's who were up all night...I salute you!
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