Saturday, August 23, 2014

Breakfast of Champions!

YAY!  It's Saturday!!  That means pancakes and bacon, potatoes and eggs!  That means, warm coffee...sometimes HOT if I'm lucky!  and most of all, that means, DADDY'S HOME!

 Saturday mornings are super special in the Anderson household.  It's a memory maker for us.  I know some day, our kids will look back and remember that Saturday's were the days that daddy was home and he cooked a yummy breakfast!  It's the one day a week (usually) when Davin doesn't have to work.  Like a lot of your husband's, Davin has to work 2 jobs in order for me to stay home with the kids.  We are grateful for those jobs, and thankful that I can be home with the kids!

I know a lot of mom's do not have that privilege, and y'all are loving your kids deeply, and as best you can!  Working mom's provide their kids with the most loving childhood they can get!  You give your children your best and they know they are loved!  Nuff' said!

 Some day's (most days) I feel like a failure, but at the end of the day, when the kids are all tucked into bed, I can take an honest look in the mirror (because that's about the only time I have to look in the mirror) and say....Well, done momma, you kept them alive!

Today Davin and Mila both have colds, so luckily, Avery slept in till 7:30am.  I was able to let Davin sleep in a little longer and I got up to feed Mila!  I was able to make coffee and enjoy a few minutes of solitude.  The air was crisp and the fog was fading with the morning sun.  I truly believe God is in those quiet moments!  I feel refreshed!

Praying for all you momma's out there today, whatever your Saturday looks like.  Maybe you're working hard at a job that you need, but sometimes wish you didn't have.  Or maybe your husband's home and you've planned a beautiful outing.  Maybe you're a single momma juggling all that the day has to bring you.  Wherever you are, may the spirit of God be your strength, may His hope be your joy, may His truth and His word bring you complete fulfillment as you rest in the promise that tomorrow is a new day..and today, like a mist, will be a faint memory tomorrow..make it a good one as you make memories with your family!


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