As my mother would always say growing up, "there are no but's about it", there was never a debate in our home. My younger brother and I always knew that whatever my parents said...was right. We were taught to respect our parents, for the mere fact that this was right in the eyes of the Lord.
My mom always said, I was a quick learner. I didn't need much discipline. My brother on the hand was a very "spirited child". It took more persistence and patience from my parents to set boundaries for him. And Thank God my parents never gave up on us, because we both are very well rounded people.
I remember always saying to my mother, "When I grow up, I will never say THAT to my kids, I will never do THAT to them!" .....and...... here I am...looking my 21 month old in the eyes and saying, "listen to mommy, obey mommy and daddy, we love you and we want the best for you!"
by the way....When did toddlers get so stinking intimidating, anyways?
Seriously! I pray Avery doesn't have the sixth sense like a bee to smell my fear...or I'm in a lot of trouble.
Poker Face, my friends, Poker Face! HA!
Anyways, I was thinking today while doing the dishes for the millionth time (we do not have a dish washer, but that's besides the point) about how tired I am and how weak I have become after traveling across the country last week with two kids under two, participating in a wedding, spending fun filled days in Portland, OR, Olympia, WA and Seattle...only to come back home to a mountain of chores and a never ending list of "to do's". On top of it all, Avery, Mila and myself have caught the nasty upper respiratory cold going around. (thanks GUY, whoever you are that gave it to us)
If I have ever said, "I don't think I can handle anymore..." I was sadly mistaken. After this month, I feel like I can overcome the world....and ONLY by the strength of my Jesus, my Savior!!
I am overwhelmed with the joy that Christ has put in my heart. The times when I feel so weak, He lifts me up, he sends beautiful friends and family in my life to speak words of truth and affirmation to me.
So, today, I thought it would be nice to take advantage of the last few beautiful sunny day's here in Northeast Ohio...I called Aunt Tracy up and asked if she would join us for a lovely walk at Sunny Lake Park! She said, "YES!" What a trooper!
I loaded the girls up in the car (that's a task in and of itself) and after missing my turn, and taking the LONG way there, I met Tracy who was oh so very patient with me..and we began our morning adventure!
The Lake was beautiful, the geese and the seagulls were surrounding us as we threw rocks into the water. The air was still crisp, and the sun was still creeping into the morning sky. Avery was in heaven, bossing Aunt Tracy around and Aunt T gladly obliged. Miss Mila was all smiles, and I was just glad to get some fresh air and see the joy on my babies faces!
As Tracy and I began talking, I realized how extremely tired I am, how some days, even most...I think about how lovely it would be to get a little more sleep, or to take a break from the kiddos'. Aunt Tracy reminded me of something by asking me question. She said, "would you really want to be anywhere else? If so, where would you be?"
I said, "probably just working....and no, I've wanted this for forever!! I've wanted marriage and kids, since I can remember!!"
She said, "RIGHT??!!" "you would be working and taking care of someone else, or someone else's kids for that matter! How wonderful is to devote your everything to your very own children! What a gift!"
She's so right!
I know I am not perfect, and I'm beginning to realize that motherhood is more of an "on the job training" deal anyway. (thus, the stack of books on discipline and parenting that Iv'e rented from the library)
Deep in my heart there is a fullness and a joy of knowing that God has gifted me these beautifully SPIRITED girls, these wonderfully unique and wildly entertaining sisters
and He has given me all the strength I can muster and MORE to nurture them and rear them up in the Lord as best I know how...and when I am weak, He is STRONG!
Praise Him!